Tuesday 9 May 2017

3x1 Review

Hello everybody!!

This post is going to be the last one about my ICT module! Our Master's Degree is about to finish!

The purpose of this post is to reflect about all the chanllenges or post that I wrote as well as writing a 3x1 review: a review about the module telling 3 things that I liked and 1 thing that can be improved.

So, let's get the ball rolling!

1. I really like interviewing my classmate and friend Ana Herrera because we are friends but we learnt new things from each other. As well as that, I enjoy editing videos so I really like this challenge.

2. I found hilarious to do the super learning missions with my classmates Ana Márquez and Lucía Carrasco. We dressed up like Hindu and shooted a funny video. I was amazed when I learnt how to embed pictures into the background of our video.

3. Finally, doing the rubrics was a challenge so necessary for us. Rubrics are quite objective to evaluate students so it should be compulsory to use them. Besides, if teachers show their rubrics to the students, the evaluation will be completely fair.

I do not think that any challenge could be improved although I am of the opinion that planning two super learning missions was to much work. I loved doing them but we are so busy. If we had had more free time, I would have done more than two super learning missions, because they are worth. I like planning lessons. On the other hand, about the challenge of analyzing an OEP, in my opinion, the freedom to choose an OEP was crucial. However, as I did not know what an OEP was, I chose a project related to my topic but which was not an OEP. Sadly, the OEP that I analyzed was a simple didactic unit.

Well, that's all about my 3x1 review.

See you soon

and remember


Author's own

Funny meme, isn't it? I made it using the tool Generador de Memes Online. The easiest tool that I have ever used! I strongly recommend it.

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