Thursday 23 February 2017

Flipped introduction

Ana Herrera

Picture by Carmen Olmedo

This is Ana Herrera, my classmate and friend at the Master in Bilingual Education at the Rey Juan Carlos University. 

Today it is time to know more about her, that is why I interviewed her. I recorded a video to show you the interview about Ana. 

Here you go the video:


Now that we have learnt some facts about Ana's interests and life, I will tell you how I did the 3, 2, 1 introduction:

- First, we found a relatively peaceful place where to interview Ana, since we were in class and it was too noisy.
- Secondly, I recorded the video using our laptops camera. I used the app Photo Booth included in my laptop.  
- Thirdly, I edited the video using the app iMovie since I have a MacBook and iMovie is included when you buy one of them. In my humble opinion, iMovie is a pretty good application to edit videos because it is easy to use and it offers many awesome effects to include in your video. I have never used this app before and I found it easy and useful when you get used to it. If you do not have iMovie or a MacBook, you can use Movie Maker for Window, which is so similar to the one that I used. 

I would like to add that I used in the video a free right song from the webpage .
The song is called "Soltanto un attimo". In addition, the pictures are from the webpages, where it can found pictures with no copyright. 


As I see it, I think this kinds of activities are useful to know more about ourselves. Ana and I are close friends but we were aware of new likes or facts for us. We live in hectic paces of life, and we do not stop to think and ask about our likes and past life. It was a nice activity to think about what I can ask Ana in order that people know fundamental aspects of her life. 

Furthermore, I have used for the first time this useful tool to edit videos. We can use iMovie with videos, pictures, photos... and you can include your favorite songs and include innovative transitions between pictures or videos, also write comments and etcetera. It offers a great range of options. So, finally I took advantage of my laptop!

Last but not least, I had to interview Ana because our teacher paired us with respect to our shoe sizes, which I had not seen before. I have to admit that it was funny! Useful way to pair children also!

Be clever, be greener!


  1. Very nice interview, girls! I have also read the post and I would like to say that it is a very interesting entry. The procedure you have followed during the activity is very good explained. It can help other people who want to do the same work as you did.
    I am waiting for your next post, Carmen! :)

  2. Good afternoon Carmen, I have read your post, you have done a fantastic job! It was a pleasure to share this project with you, your post is very interesting and attractive, and people will know more information about me also. I will be waiting for your next post, I am sure it will be interesting as this one!

  3. I really enjoyed your flipped interview! The introduction of the video is amazing and the interview shows by itself how hard you both worked! Moreover, I also enjoyed reading your post and seeing how great this activity can benefit getting to know each other.
    Great job girls!

    1. Thanks for your feedback, rebeca! You always say good words. :)

  4. Thanks for a neatly organised post, with a simple but solid self-reflection.
