Thursday 23 February 2017


Hello everyone! 

This is my first post and I want to welcome you and explain the purpose of this blog 'Rock the blue planet'. 

I know that the tittle might be quite confusing and that is what I like the most. This blog may be about making the planet a little bit crazy, about changing everything in the world, about rock music, or maybe about everything!

Apart from writing what I will learn in my ICT class, I want you to be conscious about global vital issues such as the global warming, the greenhouse effect, the amount of rubbish that we produce, and a large etcetera. From my point of view, this is one of the main values to teach at schools since we will run out of natural resources pretty soon. I am concerned about the fact that there are more important values to teach, but without a place where to live, we will not be able to love, to respect, to help, to care, etc.   

Today, a NASA telescope has discovered a solar system with seven planets similar to the Blue Planet, the Earth. We can think about moving to a similar planet when we destroy ours, but it might be too late and too difficult. 

If you are curious, here you go the pieces of news from the New York Times newspaper.

Be clever, be greener!

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